Heraklion-2014 Program

WG & MC Meetings – Programme (pdf)

Wednesday, May 14 [morning]

09:00 – 09:10


Evangelos Pallis
Pedro Assuncao

09:10 – 10:30


(Carl Debono)

Technical Presentations

Error concealment methods for depth maps
Sylvain Marcelino

Complexity Control of High Efficiency video coding and extensions to 3D-HEVC
Luís Cruz

Medical 3D Video Compression
Chaminda Hewage



1) WG2 status and objectives
2) Research topics and possible collaborations:
(a) Robust 3D video decoding: signal vs feature reconstruction
(b) Complexity vs coding efficiency of high efficiency video codecs
(c) Medical 3D image and video coding


Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30


(Evangelos Pallis)

Technical Presentations

Scalable Error Resilient 3D Holoscopic Video Coding
Caroline Conti

A Stereo client using open SVC decoder extensions: QoE performance evaluation
George Papadogiannopoulos

3D Video over Software Defined Networks
Murat Tekalp


1) WG3 status and objectives
2) Research topics and possible collaborations:
(a) Robust coding for error-prone transmission,
(b) QoS/QoE experimental testbeds,
(c) 3D over SDN,

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch break


Wednesday, May 14 [afternoon]

14:00 – 16:00


(Tibor Balogh)

Technical Presentations

Capturing the intangible: An introduction to i-Treasures project
Kosmas Dimitropoulos

3D Reconstruction of the Plenoptic Signal for Building Information Modelling
Cristian Perra

3D sound in human-computer interaction
Jaka Sodnik

3D Gesture based user recognition method
Andrej Kos

On the bandwidth of 3D displays
Atanas Boev


1) WG1 and WG5 status and objectives
2) Research topics and possible collaborations:
(a) Content acquisition: source material, technology and challenges
(b) 3D audio research issues and applications
(c) Technology constraints and user interaction

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 – 17:30


(Alex Pereda)

Technical Presentations

QoE aspects of 2D to 3D conversion of photos
Janko Calic

Multiresolution Decomposition using Morphological Filters for DIBR Views Quality Assessment
Dragan Kukolj

QoE challenges in FTV
Patrick LeCallet


1) WG4 status and objectives
2) Research topics and possible collaborations:
(a) Objective and subjective elements: mapping QoS /QoE
(c) Towards higher level dimensions in quality: QoS-QoE-user satisfaction and emotional state
(c) Core Group: to follow the activities of standard bodies

17:30 – 18:00


(Roger Olsson)


1) Core Group: to promote joint projects and collaborations based on the research issues identified within the scope of other WG and including guidelines to drive joint activities.

2) Liaisons with EU funded projects in related fields and redirect to the WGs of interest


Social Dinner


Thursday, May 15

09:00 – 10:30


(Pedro Assuncao)


1) Workplan for the next period (per WG)
a) Objectives
b) How to achieve them
c) Implementation plan


Coffee Break

11:00  – 12:30


(Pedro Assuncao)

Management Committee Meeting

(agenda items)

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 16:00


(Pedro Assuncao)

Management Committee Meeting

(agenda items)

16:00 – 16:30

Closing Coffee